A brief history from colonial times to present

The beautiful 1 acre property nestled on top of the hill in the Fortlands, overlooking the capital Basseterre and the harbour, was occupied since the early colonial times.

Present structure after renovations were finished in 2010.

The high society during colonial times was seeking to build their private residencies outside, but still close to town. The following owner, Royal Bank of Canada, acquired the property as residence for their managers. Since the occupants were changing every few years, the garden and house got more and more neglected over the course of the next 45 years.

Last known photograph of the historic wooden building.

In 2003, the property finally found a new owner, who brought the house and garden back to it’s old glory. The couple, he a local business man and Honorary Counsel of Italy, she, an artist from Switzerland and Honorary Counsel of Austria, gave the property a completely new face during the following 8 years.

New concrete structure, early 60’s until 2003. Know as the “Royal Bank House”.

The general structure of the house didn’t change much, but a few tasteful additions, such as bay windows, the addition of a guest house, some color changes, and the com- plete remodelling of the garden, including the addition of a spectacular infinity pool, lead to the birth of Palms Court Gardens & restaurant, the home of Shell Works St. Kitts. Since December 2010 the present owners have opened the property to the public to share it’s beauty.

Today, our Palms Court Gardens team welcomes local visitors and travellers from aboard alike.